This Repository has a verilog project of implementing Lightweight DES(decryption only).
This project was done by a group of 5 memebers for the course ECN 104 as Course Project. The 5 members of the team are:
- Jatin Meena (20116042)
- Sarath S (20116089)
- Gaurav R Kochar (20116033)
- Jothi Krishnan M (20116043)
- Jasvinder Singh (20116040)
There are 3 folders in this repository.
This folder has all the verilog codes, that is 3 ".v" files including a testbench file. The files 'Main.v' and 'subkey-generator.v' are the actual modules of the Light Weight DES.
This folder has the schematics of the blockdiagram, which were simulated in Xilinx Vivado, we used in the project. In detail, it has two pdfs. Namely 'schematic_main.pdf' and 'schematic_subkey.pdf' which contains the simulation in landscape format. Now there is another file named 'schematic.sch' which can be imported into Vivado or any other simulator to see the schematics.
This folder contains a file named ' simulation1.wcfg' which is the waveform obtained after the succesful compilation of the project.
In this Simulation the input, 64 bit hex numbers, cipher text (i.e ctext) and key ( i.e key) are "01c0c0fdfbd0deb0" and "1d6a5ae5516dfa93" respectively.
The output we got after 17 clock cycles(1 + 16 rounds) is "de5895031b0dc891".