<>:: Worker management system ::<>
>< A worker management system is a system where all the details of the worker like wrk_id , wrk_name , wrk_name , wrk_bankac_details , wrk_gender , wrk_adhaar_update , wrrk_daily_rate , wrk_overtime_hrs , wrk_over_time_date , date_of_joining. here a small part of implementation has to be done which are as:-
>> task-1;
>>> Display all the worker names whose gender is male.
>>> Display all the worker details whose rate per day is between 200-500.
>>> Display all the workers whose over time hours are less than 5.
>> task-2;
>>> Display all the workers whose adhaar details have been updated on the system.
>>> Display all the details of the workers whose bank account details are not yet updated in the system.
>>> Display all the workers who have done overtime this month.
>> task-3;
>>> Display all the workers sorted by date_of_joining latest to earliest.
>>> Display all the workers whose gender is female and also rate per day is less than 200/-.
<> SHLOKA PATEL <> : 18162121020 :
<> SHREYA PATEL <> : 18162121022 :
<> SHREY PATEL <> : 18162121021 :