oci - pull OCI artifacts from repositories
oci pulls an OCI artifact into the site using the oras Go SDK. This makes it possible to deploy your zones with a simple oci pull.
The oci plugin starts a service routine that runs during the lifetime of the server. When the service starts, it pulls the artifacts from the repository.
If a pull fails, the service will retry up to three time. Each request will additionally try 3 times if certain response are returned by the repository.
NOTE: This plugin makes use of oras' retry client and will attempt additional retries for each attempt. See oras/registry/remote/retry for the default retry policy.
If the pull was not successful by then, it won't try again until the next interval.
This plugin is inspired by MiekG's git
plugin and borrows some syntax and logic.
REPO is the URL to the repository
PATH is the path, relative to site root, to pull the artifacts into; default is site root
This simplified syntax pulls the latest
tag every 3600 seconds (1 hour) and only works for public
For more control or to use a private repository, use the following syntax:
oci [REPO PATH] {
repo REPO
path PATH
username USERNAME
password PASSWORD
interval INTERVAL
REPO is the URL to the repository; only HTTP/S URLs (http(s):// must be ommitted) are supported.
PATH is the path to pull the artifacts into; default is site root (if set). It can be absolute or relative (to site root). See the root plugin.
INTERVAl is the number of seconds between pulls; default is 3600 (1 hour), minimum 5.
USERNAME is the username to log into the remote repository.
PASSWORD is the password to log into the remote repository`
IMSECURE if set to "true" connects to the repository with plain HTTP
Public repository pulled into site root every hour:
example.org {
root /etc/zones
oci registry-1.docker.io/ganawaj/demo:0.0.2
Private repository pulled into "example.org" directory or /etc/zones/example.org
example.org {
root /etc/zones
oci registry-1.docker.io/ganawaj/demo:0.0.2 {
path example.org
username ganawaj
password dckr_pat_THISISANEXAMPLE
interval 10
Local private repository with no authentication using plain HTTP. Tag latest
is assummed.
example.org {
root /etc/zones
oci localhost:5000/ganawaj/demo {
path example.org
insecure true
Full example using file plugin assuming demo
pulls a db.example.org
example.org {
root /etc/zones
oci registry-1.docker.io/ganawaj/demo:0.0.2 {
path example.org
username ganawaj
password dckr_pat_THISISANEXAMPLE
interval 10
file example.org/db.example.org
The root plugin for setting the root.
The git plugin for inspiration for this plugin.
The auto or file plugin for reading zone files from disk.