Gaev.DurableTask is tiny library to build durable task, saga, process manager using the async/await capabilities. Main idea is to fit saga, process manager in one async method. Inspired by Azure Durable Task Framework.
Just imagine you can write regular code using the async/await capabilities which can last for long time, say 1 week or year. Moreover, if an application crashes the durable task will resume execution exactly from where it left.
A durable task must have some storage for storing current state in order to resume execution after restart/crash. There is MS SQL and file system based storage provider. However, you can implement your own provider, just implement IProcessStorage.
To estimate amount of used memory, a simple durable task was hosted in console application. As a result one instance of the durable task will use 4.3Kb in 32bit or 9KB in 64bit, so 250 000 instances will occupy 1Gb of 32bit console app.
Caveat: An exception type is limited due to serialization/deserialization. Any exception will be wrapped in ProcessException. So ProcessException is only one type allowed to catch in a durable task (see Rollback logic example below).
Let's look closer to the durable task. It is easier to show an example:
Saga, process manager complete example
async Task DurableTask(string id, string email = null)
using (var proc = _host.Spawn(id))
// Save email not to lose it if durable task resumes
email = await proc.Get(email, "SaveEmail");
// Register the user
var userId = await proc.Do(() => _service.RegisterUser(email), "RegisterUser");
// Generate a secret for email verification
var secret = await proc.Get(Guid.NewGuid(), "secret");
// Send email to the user with the secret to verify
await proc.Do(() => _service.VerifyEmail(email, secret), "VerifyEmail");
// Wait when user receive verification email and send the secret here, it can take couple of days
await proc.Do(() => _service.WaitForEmailVerification(secret), "WaitForEmailVerification");
// Activate the user in the system
await proc.Do(() => _service.ActivateUser(userId), "ActivateUser");
Schedule complete example
async Task DurableTask(string id, string email = null)
using (var proc = _host.Spawn(id))
// Save email not to lose it if durable task resumes
email = await proc.Get(email, "SaveEmail");
await proc.Do(() => _smtp.Send(email, "Welcome!"), "Welcome");
// Wait 1 month
await proc.Delay(TimeSpan.FromDays(30), "Wait1m");
await proc.Do(() => _smtp.Send(email, "Your 1st month with us. Congrats!"), "CongratsMonth");
// Wait 11 months
await proc.Delay(TimeSpan.FromDays(365 - 30), "Wait1y");
await proc.Do(() => _smtp.Send(email, "Your 1st year with us. Congrats!"), "CongratsYear");
Rollback logic complete example
async Task DurableTask(string id, string srcAccount = null, string destAccount = null, decimal amount = 0)
using (var proc = _host.Spawn(id))
// Save values not to lose it if durable task resumes
srcAccount = await proc.Get(srcAccount, "SaveSrcAccount");
destAccount = await proc.Get(destAccount, "SaveDestAccount");
amount = await proc.Get(amount, "SaveAmount");
var srcTranId = Guid.Empty;
var destTranId = Guid.Empty;
// Start transferring the money
srcTranId = await proc.Do(() => _service.StartTransfer(srcAccount, -amount), "StartTransfer1");
destTranId = await proc.Do(() => _service.StartTransfer(destAccount, +amount), "StartTransfer2");
// Complete transferring the money
await proc.Do(() => _service.CompleteTransfer(srcAccount, srcTranId), "CompleteTransfer1");
await proc.Do(() => _service.CompleteTransfer(destAccount, destTranId), "CompleteTransfer2");
catch (ProcessException ex) when (ex.Type == nameof(TransferFailedException))
// Rollback logic
if (srcTranId != Guid.Empty)
await proc.Do(() => _service.RollbackTransfer(srcAccount, srcTranId), "RollbackTransfer1");
if (destTranId != Guid.Empty)
await proc.Do(() => _service.RollbackTransfer(destAccount, destTranId), "RollbackTransfer2");
Sending a message to the durable task complete example
async Task DurableTask(string processId, string companyId = null, string creditCard = null)
using (var proc = _host.Spawn(processId).As<CreditCardProcess>())
companyId = await proc.Get(companyId, "1");
creditCard = await proc.Get(creditCard, "2");
Console.WriteLine($"CreditCardFlow is up for companyId={companyId} creditCard={creditCard}");
var email = await proc.Do(() => GetEmail(companyId), "3");
await proc.Do(() => SendEmail(email, $"{creditCard} was assigned to you"), "4");
var onCheckTime = proc.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), "5");
var onFirstTransaction = proc.Do(() => proc.OnTransactionAppeared(), "6");
var onDeleted = proc.Do(() => proc.OnCreditCardDeleted(), "7");
Task.Run(async () =>
await onCheckTime;
if (onDeleted.IsCompleted) return;
if (!onFirstTransaction.IsCompleted)
await proc.Do(() => SendEmail(email, $"{creditCard} is inactive long time"), "8");
Task.Run(async () =>
await onFirstTransaction;
if (onDeleted.IsCompleted) return;
await proc.Do(() => SendEmail(email, $"{creditCard} received 1st transaction"), "9");
await onDeleted;
await proc.Do(() => SendEmail(email, $"{creditCard} was deleted"), "10");
static void Main(string[] args)
var procId = creditCardFlow.Start("1111-1111-1111-1111", "[email protected]");