is a JavaScript library for formatting and validating various Brazilian national services data such as CPF, phone numbers, emails, and currency.
Install the library using npm:
npm install br-national-services
To use the library in a React project, import the prototype extensions:
import 'br-national-services'; // if you prefer, import it into your index.js (or _app.tsx, in the case of NextJs). You can use anywhere.
useEffect(() => {
const string = '31991647507';
console.log(`${string} now is ${string.brFormat('phone')}`);
}, []);
Formats the string based on the specified type.
- type: The type of formatting. Supported values are
, and'currency'
const cpf = "12345678909";
console.log(cpf.brFormat("cpf")); // Outputs: 123.456.789-09
const phone = "31991647507";
console.log(phone.brFormat("phone")); // Outputs: (31) 99164-7507
Parses the string based on the specified type.
- type: The type of parsing. Supported values are
const formattedPhone = "(31) 99164-7507";
console.log(formattedPhone.brParse("phone")); // Outputs: 31991647507 <-- string
const currency = "R$ 1.250,52";
console.log(currency.brParse("currency")); // Outputs: 1250.52 <-- number
Validates the string based on the specified type.
- type: The type of validation. Supported values are
const cpf = "12345678909";
console.log(cpf.brValidate("cpf")); // Outputs: true
const email = "[email protected]";
console.log(email.brValidate("email")); // Outputs: true
Formats the number based on the specified type.
- type: The type of formatting. Supported value is
const number = 1250.52;
console.log(number.brFormat("currency")); // Outputs: R$ 1.250,52
Generates a random valid CPF.
const { generateCPF } = require('br-national-services');
const newCPF = generateCPF();
console.log(`Generated CPF: ${newCPF}`); // Outputs a valid CPF, e.g., 12345678909
To run the tests, use the following command:
npm test
This project is licensed under the MIT License.