Configure Debian Testing workstation using Ansible.
- build-essential
- curl
- docker-compose
- fzf
- gdebi
- guake
- htop
- jq
- llvm
- make
- ripgrep
- rsync
- snapd
- terminator
- tk-dev
- wget
- xz-utils
- zlib1g-dev
- git
- tmux
- vim
- zsh
- chromium
- chrome-gnome-shell
- flameshot
- gnome-boxes
- gnome-icon-theme
- gnome-keyring
- i3lock
- docker
- kubectl
- snap
- apt
Firt setup installation run the dot-bootstrap command.
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ sudo ./bin/dot-bootstrap
After that you can run any scripts defined in the $DOTFILES_PATH/bin
$ dot-bootstrap