I am a passionate team-leading engineer (full-stack) with more than 11 years of experience designing and implementing technically sophisticated backend systems, integrations, frontend web applications and mobile apps. I've been working mainly with Clojure and ClojureScript in the last 8 years, however, I have a background with several programming languages including Java, Python, JavaScript and Swift.
I'm currently working as the CTO of Scrintal. We are developing Scrintal with using Clojure, ClojureScript, Datomic, Dexie, DataScript, uix, Reagent, and re-frame.
I designed and built complex cloud systems in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Firebase. I’m experienced in team leading activities including but not limited to Shape Up, Kanban, retrospectives, supervision, recruitment and mentorship.
I contribute to the Polylith project. Polylith is a software architecture that applies functional thinking at the system scale. It helps us build simple, maintainable, testable, and scalable backend systems.
If you are interested in anything I mentioned above, feel free to contact me via LinkedIn, Twitter or Clojurians Slack.