NOMePlot is a webtool that facilitates the analysis of Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome (NOMe) and Bisulfite (BS) sequencing data generated using Sanger or High-throughput sequencing (NOMe-PCR, NOMe-seq, BS-PCR and BS-seq).
This web application is easy to use and does not required bioinformatic skills. Input sequences for sanger sequencing analysis must be provided in fasta format while input data for high-throughput sequencing must be provided as a bam file. The user-interface is self-explanatory.
NOMePlot has been developed with R/Bioconductor packages and Shiny. Source code for local installation is available from GitHub.
NOMePlot operates under the GNU General Public License version 3.
Requena F, Asenjo HG, Barturen G, Martorell-Marugán J, Carmona-Sáez P and David Landeira. NOMePlot: analysis of DNA methylation and nucleosome occupancy at the single molecule. Scientific Reports. May 31;9(1):8140. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44597-2. 2019. Abstract.