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🌊 Mock your battles before you're out at sea 🌊

Licence Rust Build

Naumachia is a framework for writing Smart Contracts on the Cardano Blockchain using Rust!

Find us at the TxPipe Discord!

Work in Progress :)

Getting Started


Pick up a good first issue

Excited to accept PRs and general feedback. There is a lot of work to be done to make this the best framework it can be, so I'll try to help onboard anyone interested in contributing.

Big fan of modern programming techniques. We are trying to prioritize

  1. End user experience (Devs and dApp users)
  2. Contributor experience + Maintainability
  3. Performance, once the other stuff is solid

Feel free to start issues/discussions if there are things you feel are missing or whatever. We love feedback!

FYI, CI requires these commands to pass. So, try to run them locally to save yourself some time.

cargo build --workspace
cargo test --workspace
cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check
cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings