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Efficient non-linear PCA through kernel PCA with the Nyström method


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Kernel PCA with the Nyström method 📊 🔬 📐

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This package implements an efficient non-linear PCA by combining kernel PCA with the Nyström randomized subsampling method and calculates a confidence interval to measure its accuracy. The method is also applied to the regression problem to create Nyström principal component regression.

For further details please see my paper:

Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Code structure
  3. Run
  4. Experiments
  5. Documentation
  6. Tests
  7. Citation

💿 Install

For Linux/MacOS open the terminal and do

$ pip3 install nystrompca

where $ is the command-line prompt. On Windows use pip instead of pip3.


  • Python 3.6 or above
  • Numpy 1.9 or above
  • Pandas 0.20 or above
  • Scikit-learn 0.19 or above
  • Matplotlib 2.0 or above
  • Seaborn 0.8 or above

📁 Code structure

The package structure is as follows


The raw datasets used in the experiments are included in the folder data/. PCA and PCR examples in Jupyter notebooks are located in the notebook_examples/ folder.

The algorithms are implemented as objects with methods to fit and apply them, with an API like scikit-learn. The inheritance relationships among the algorithm classes and base classes are illustrated by the following UML diagram

UML diagram

🚙 Run

Calculate Nyström kernel PCA

import numpy as np

from nystrompca import NystromKPCA

X = np.random.randn(1000, 100)

nystrom_kpca = NystromKPCA(n_components=5, m_subset=10, kernel='rbf')
X_kpca       = nystrom_kpca.fit_transform(X) # Returns the principal scores

print(nystrom_kpca.explained_variance_) # Principal values

# Reconstruction error of full dataset onto the Nyström PCs
# Beware this is O(n^2), unless 'approx=True'
errors = nystrom_kpca.get_reconstruction_errors()

Calculate Nyström kernel PCR

You can use the built-in method

from nystrompca import NystromKPCR

X      = np.random.randn(1000, 100)
y      = np.random.randn(1000, 1)
x_test = np.random.randn(1, 100)

nystrom_kpcr = NystromKPCR(n_components=5, m_subset=10, kernel='rbf'), y)
prediction = nystrom_kpcr.predict(x_test)

or simply do a linear regression directly on the principal scores as follows. Or indeed use any other supervised learning method!

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

nystrom_kpca = NystromKPCA(n_components=5, m_subset=10, kernel='rbf')
X_kpca       = nystrom_kpca.fit_transform(X)

linear_regression = LinearRegression(), y)
x_test_kpca = nystrom_kpca.transform(x_test)
prediction  = linear_regression.predict(x_test_kpca)

Calculate the confidence bound

To calculate the bound just import and call the function calculate_bound. The function calculates the bound for all PCA dimensions.

from nystrompca import calculate_bound

X = np.random.randn(100, 10)

bounds = calculate_bound(X, n=1000, kernel='rbf')

🔭 Experiments

To run the experiments use the built-in command-line tool nystrompca with argument methods, bound or regression depending on which experiments to run.

$ nystrompca -h

usage: nystrompca [-h] {methods,bound,regression} ...

Run the different Nyström kernel PCA experiments.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

available subcommands:
                        which experiment to run

Display subcommand options with nystrompca <subcommand> -h

You can run the experiments for example with different kernels and different values for the total data size n, the size of the Nyström subset m, and the number of PCA dimensions d by passing addtional arguments.

For example, to run the bound experiments for a data size of 100, a Nyström subset of size 20, a maximum PCA dimension of 10, and the Laplace kernel you would do

$ nystrompca bound -n 100 -m 20 -d 10 --kernel laplace

📓 Documentation

The package uses Numpy-style docstrings. It can be generated into HTML with Sphinx through (requires the sphinx, numpydoc and sphinx_rtd_theme packages)

make html

The generated documentation is located in docs/build/html.

🔨 Tests

The package contains unit tests to test the code functionality and integration tests to check that the algorithms behave as expected. The code has type annotations to enable static type checks.

Unit and integration tests

The unit tests and integration tests are located in the folder test/ and can be run with pytest or nose, e.g. on Linux/MacOS do

$ pytest test/


$ nosetests3 test/**

Running the tests with pytest should produce an output similar to the following

================================ test session starts =================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/fred/nystrompca, configfile: pytest.ini
collected 50 items                                                                   

test/algorithms/ ....                                             [  8%]
test/algorithms/ ...                                         [ 14%]
test/algorithms/ .                                           [ 16%]
test/algorithms/ ...                                       [ 22%]
test/base/ .....                                                 [ 32%]
test/base/ ...                                           [ 38%]
test/integration/ ..                                                [ 42%]
test/integration/ ..................                        [ 78%]
test/utils/ .                                                    [ 80%]
test/utils/ ..........                                            [100%]

================================ 50 passed in 15.60s =================================

Test coverage

To calculate and display test coverage first install the coverage Python package and then run from the root folder

$ coverage run -m pytest test
$ coverage report

This should produce the following output

Name                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
nystrompca/algorithms/             30      0   100%
nystrompca/algorithms/        53      1    98%
nystrompca/algorithms/        29      1    97%
nystrompca/algorithms/         28     18    36%
nystrompca/algorithms/     128     12    91%
nystrompca/algorithms/      23      3    87%
nystrompca/algorithms/       23     14    39%
nystrompca/base/                  70      3    96%
nystrompca/base/           9      0   100%
nystrompca/base/          12      0   100%
nystrompca/base/              25      2    92%
nystrompca/base/          23      8    65%
nystrompca/utils/                 32      4    88%
nystrompca/utils/                  55      0   100%
TOTAL                                     540     66    88%

Static checks

To run static checks including type checks you can e.g install mypy and do from the root folder

$ mypy nystrompca/

This should produce the following output

Success: no issues found in 26 source files


Coding style has been checked with pylint. You can run from the root folder

$ pylint nystrompca/

This should produce the following output

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10

Certain style rules are being ignored to adapt to the specific coding style of the package (please see .pylintrc).

📝 Citation

If you found this package interesting then please consider citing the paper, for example using the following with bibtex

  title={Kernel {PCA} with the {N}ystr{\"o}m method},
  author={Hallgren, Fredrik},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05578},