Docker build for CloudCompare based on NVIDIA OpenGL Ubuntu containers.
image | description | size | metrics | build status |
CloudCompare w/ NVIDIA OpenGL Ubuntu 18.04 base |
Pull the latest container from Docker-Hub:
docker pull tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest
Build the container yourself:
git clone && \
cd cloudcompare-docker
docker build -t tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest .
To run a Docker GUI container with OpenGL on Intel graphics (e.g. Atmosphere Virtual Machines, Intel NUCs):
xhost +local:root
docker run -ti --rm -e "DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY" -v="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -v /home/$USER/:/temp --privileged tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest CloudCompare
This method is okay on CyVerse Atmosphere, where you're running in your own Web Desktop environment.
You can run the Docker container with Singularity (for HPC use).
singularity exec docker://tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest CloudCompare
Log into the HPC
ssh -X [email protected]
Select a system from the Bastion
ocelote -X
Start a GPU node
qsub -X -I -N cloudcompare -m bea -W group_list=$GROUP -q windfall -l select=1:ncpus=28:mem=168gb:ngpus=1 -l cput=1:0:0 -l walltime=1:0:0
Load Cuda and Singularity
module load cuda80/gtk
module load singularity
Run the container and start CloudCompare
singularity exec --bind /xdisk/$USER docker://tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest CloudCompare
If you get an error, you may need to reset the DISPLAY.
Find out what the local display is:
Run Docker container as shell
singularity shell --bind /xdisk/$USER docker://tswetnam/cloudcompare:latest
From the Singularity shell:
export DISPLAY=localhost:50.0
Start CloudCompare