bgvars: Bayesian Inference for Global Vector Autoregressive (GVAR) and Global Vector Error Correction (GVEC) Models
The bgvars
package provides functions for the specification,
estimation and evaluation of Bayesian global autoregressive (GVAR)
models. Global vector autoregressive (GVAR) models are convenient tools
to model the world economy. They were originally proposed by Pesaran et
al. (2004) and further developed by Dees et al. (2007) to study the
international transmission of shocks. Since then they have been applied
to a range of macroeconomic topics. Chudik and Pesaran (2016) provide an
extensive survey of the latest developments in GVAR modelling.
# install.packages("devtools")
The bgvars
package allows Bayesian inference of GVAR models. It
separates a typical GVAR analysis into four steps:
Preparation, which includes the initial transformation of raw data
and the generation of regional aggregates as well as the weight
; - Specification for setting up country-specific models that should be estimated;
- Estimation using Bayesian algorithms to produce draws from the posterior distribution of each country model, which are subsequently combined to a global model;
- Evaluation for the generation of forecasts, impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions.
The bgvars
packages comes with the updated GVAR database of Mohaddes
and Raissi (2020), which contains economic time series for 33 countries
and 3 commodities from 1979Q2 to 2019Q4.1
#> Loading required package: bvartools
#> Loading required package: coda
country_data <- gvar2019$country_data # Country series
global_data <- gvar2019$global_data # Global commodities data
region_weights <- gvar2019$region_weights # Data for regional weights
weight_data <- gvar2019$weight_data # Data for trade weights
# Take first differences of non-stationary series
country_data <- diff_variables(country_data, variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), multi = 100)
global_data <- diff_variables(global_data, multi = 100)
Regional series can be calculated from individual country series with
the function create_regions
# Generate EA area region with 3 year rolling window weights
ea <- c("AT", "BE", "DE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "IT", "NL")
temp <- create_regions(country_data = country_data,
regions = list("EA" = ea),
period = 3,
region_weights = region_weights,
weight_data = weight_data)
country_data <- temp$country_data
weight_data <- temp$weight_data
Weight matrices for each country/region can be calculated with the
function create_weights
# Generate weight matrices as 3 year, rolling window averages
gvar_weights <- create_weights(weight_data = weight_data, period = 3,
country_data = country_data)
assists in the set-up country models by producing a list, where
each element contains all the information required to estimate a model.
First, the function create_specifications
produces an object, which
contains the specifications for each country.
# Create an object with country model specifications
model_specs <- create_specifications(country_data = country_data,
global_data = global_data,
domestic = list(variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), lags = 2),
foreign = list(variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), lags = 1),
global = list(variables = c("poil"), lags = 1),
deterministic = list(const = TRUE),
countries = c("EA", "US", "JP", "CA", "GB", "CN"),
iterations = 3000, burnin = 1000,
type = "VAR")
Country specifications can be changed by accessing the elements of the list directly:
model_specs$US$domestic$variables <- c("y", "Dp", "r")
model_specs$US$foreign$variables <- c("y", "Dp")
produces all country models, which should be estimated.
This allows for easy parallelisation. The number of elements of the
resulting list depends on the specification of domestic lags, foreign
lags, global lags, and the rank of the cointegration matrix r
, if
sepecified. For example, if the lags of domestic variables were set to
lags = 1:2
, the function produces two country submodels for each
# Create estimable objects
object <- create_models(country_data = country_data,
weight_data = gvar_weights,
global_data = global_data,
model_specs = model_specs)
Finally, priors must be specified with add_priors
object <- add_priors(object)
can be used to estimate the country models. Parallel
computating can be activated by specifying the argument mc.cores
object <- draw_posterior(object)
The estimated country models can be combined and solved with the
function combine_submodels
gvar <- combine_submodels(object)
Impulse response analysis can be done with the girf
gvar_irf <- girf(gvar, impulse = c("US", "r"),
response = c("EA", "y"),
n.ahead = 20, ci = .68)
Chudik, A. & Pesaran, M. H. (2016). Theory and practice of GVAR modelling. Journal of Economic Surveys 30(1), 165-197.
Dees, S., Mauro, F., Pesaran, M. H., & Smith, V. L. (2007). Exploring the international linkages of the euro area: A global VAR analysis. Journal of Applied Econometrics 22(1), 1-38.
George, E. I., Sun, D., & Ni, S. (2008). Bayesian stochastic search for VAR model restrictions. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 553-580.
Koop, G., Pesaran, M. H., & Potter, S.M. (1996). Impulse response analysis in nonlinear multivariate models. Journal of Econometrics 74(1), 119-147.
Lütkepohl, H. (2007). New introduction to multiple time series analysis (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer.
Mohaddes, K., & Raissi, M. (2020). Compilation, revision and updating of the global VAR (GVAR) database, 1979Q2–2019Q4 (mimeo).
Pesaran, H. H., & Shin, Y. (1998). Generalized impulse response analys is in linear multivariate models. Economics Letters, 58(1), 17-29.
Pesaran, M., Schuermann, T., & Weiner, S. M. (2004). Modeling regional interdependencies using a global error-correcting macroeconometric model. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 22(2), 129-162.
The paper and data set can be downloaded from ↩