We introduce MedMNIST-C [preprint], a benchmark dataset
based on the MedMNIST+ collection covering 12 2D datasets and 9 imaging modalities
. We simulate task and modality-specific image corruptions of varying severity to comprehensively evaluate the robustness of established algorithms against real-world artifacts
and distribution shifts
. We further show that our simple-to-use artificial corruptions allow for highly performant, lightweight data augmentation
to enhance model robustness.
You can download the corrupted datasets from Zenodo. Due to space constraints, we have uploaded all datasets except for TissueMNIST-C. However, You can still reproduce it using our APIs.
pip install medmnistc
We do require Wand for image manipulation, a Python binding for ImageMagick. Thus, if you are using Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
otherwise, please check the tutorial.
: List of all the corruptions and respective intensity hyperparameters.medmnistc/dataset_manager.py
: Dataset class responsible for the creation of the corrupted datasets.medmnistc/visualizer.py
: Class used to visualize and store the defined corruptions.medmnistc/augmentation.py
: Augumentation class based on the defined corruptions.medmnistc/dataset.py
: Dataset class used for the corrupted datasets.medmnistc/eval.py
: PyTorch class used for model evaluation under corrupted datasets.medmnistc/assets/baseline/*
: Normalization baselines used for model evaluation under corrupted datasets.
from medmnistc.dataset_manager import DatasetManager
medmnist_path = ... # PATH TO THE CLEAN IMAGES
medmnistc_path = ... # PATH TO THE CORRUPTED IMAGES
ds_manager = DatasetManager(medmnist_path = medmnist_path, output_path=output_path)
ds_manager.create_dataset(dataset_name = "breastmnist") # create a single corrupted test set
ds_manager.create_dataset(dataset_name = "all") # create all
from medmnistc.augmentation import AugMedMNISTC
from medmnistc.corruptions.registry import CORRUPTIONS_DS
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
dataset = "breastmnist" # select dataset
train_corruptions = CORRUPTIONS_DS[dataset] # load the designed corruptions for this dataset
images = ... # load images
# Augment with AugMedMNISTC
augment = AugMedMNISTC(train_corruptions)
augmented_img = augment(images[0])
# Integrate into transforms.Compose
aug_compose = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=..., std=...)
augmented_img = aug_compose(images[0])
- Create the dataset
- Visualize the corruptions
- Evaluate the corruptions
- Use the designed augmentations
The code is under Apache-2.0 License.
The MedMNIST-C dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), except DermaMNIST-C under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
If you find this work useful, please consider citing us:
title={MedMNIST-C: Comprehensive benchmark and improved classifier robustness by simulating realistic image corruptions},
author={Di Salvo, Francesco and Doerrich, Sebastian and Ledig, Christian},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17536},
: This repository is inspired by MedMNIST APIs and the ImageNet-C repository. Thus, please also consider citing MedMNIST, the respective source datasets (described here) and ImageNet-C.
: MedMNIST-C beta release.