Here are the dotfiles I have for my iMac, fully inspired by the work from others (see Thanks section)
.bash_profiles loads dotfiles and sets some shell options
In order:
- .bash_prompt customizes the look and feel of the prompt
- .bash_dev configures SSH and development tools (Java, Scala, Mongo...)
- .bash_alias adds aliases and functions for general needs
- .bash_docker adds aliases and functions for Docker
- .bash_brew installs Homebrew formulae
- Update
to have~/.path
for extending$PATH
- Update
to have~/.extra
for personal settings (e.g. Git credentials) - Add dotfile for Homebrew formulae (note: this should not be called by
) - Add dotfile for recipes with common Docker containers (e.g. Chrome, Tor, ...)
- Add dotfile for OS X customization
- Add installation and symlinks for base tools (e.g. Homebrew and SublimeText 3): addressed in .bash_brew
- Update
to fix containers with GUI running in OS X (using xQuartz...) - Install Ensime and integrate with SublimeText3
- Install Scalariform via Homebrew and integrated with Ensime
- Update
with examples from DockerCon Barcelona 2015