Foxkit is a project by Mitsunee to help speed up development with utility packages, shareable configs and documentation.
The Foxkit Library Template is a template repository with a complete setup for dual-published npm packages with TypeScript support and pre-configured tooling like ESlint, Prettier (with git hooks), clean-publish and Github Actions.
We currently offer two base configurations for ESLint (both supporting 8.57.0 and 9.x+): eslint-config-foxkit configures slightly modified and expanded base configurations for JavaScript and TypeScript development. eslint-config-foxkit-react adds support for JSX and React (and Preact!) and can also be used with meta-frameworks such as Astro!
A small collection of helper function for JavaScript and TypeScript development can be found it the Utils package. Currently still found in the monorepo.
To help with development on Node.js the Node Utils package contains a variety of helper functions simplifying Node's API and providing some new features.
Foxkit List is a Doubly-linked List datastructure for JavaScript and TypeScript. It's main advantage over Arrays is faster insertion times at the start or anywhere inbetween the list, where an Array would have to regenerate its index.
Foxkit Logger is a highly customizable Logger with TypeScript support out of the box.