EQ Swapper uses Equalizer APO to equalize all audio output by Windows. Equalizer APO is required for this. You can either manually change the equalizer settings via the GUI, but I am to lazy.
#Usage Jaakkopasanen AutoEQ made a list of headphones
Choose the ParametricEQ.TXT For Example
Save the ParametricEQ.TXT file to "C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\headphones" 1
Run the executable and select the currently connected headphones
simply copy paste EQSwapper.ps1 and CreateForm.ps1 in 1 file: combined.ps1
run PS2EXE to create an EXE
Invoke-PS2EXE .\combined.ps1 .\EQSwapper.exe
This path can be changed in the script line 3:
$headphonesPath = "C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\headphones\"