DatasetUtils is a reference implementation of the Einstein Analytics External Data API. This tool is free to use, but it is not officially supported by Salesforce. This is a community project that have not been officially tested or documented. Please do not contact Salesforce for support when using this application.
The whole thrust of these vulnerabilities is to be able to inject malicious byte code using JNDI look ups or JDBC appender approach; A review of the DatasetUtils does not show JDBC Appender or jndi lookups being used. In addition we are using an old version of Log4j 1.2 which does not have these vulnerabilities reported.
As there is quite a lot of scope for re-write and removal of deprecated code in DatasetUtils including reducing or removing 3rd party libs as prompted by the Log4j issues we are looking at end of life for this code and actively considering a replacement in both functionality and technology employed.
Download the latest version from releases and follow the examples below:
Download and install Java JDK (not JRE) from Zulu Open JDK
After installation is complete. Different versions of DatasetUtils require different versions of JDK, the latest release API 48.1.1 requires JDK 11. Open a console and check that the java version is correct for your DatasetUtils version by running the following command:
java -version
Unzip to a local folder. To start the jar in server mode: Double click on run.bat
Install datasetutils.dmg by double clicking it and dragging and dropping it into applications folder.
Run by double clicking it
Best is to run in interactive mode. open a terminal and type in the following command and follow the prompts on the console:
java -jar datasetutil-<version>.jar --server false
Or you can pass in all the param in the command line and let it run uninterrupted.
java -jar datasetutil-<version>.jar --action <action> --u <[email protected]> --dataset <dataset> --app <app> --inputFile <inputFile> --endpoint <endPoint>
Input Parameter
--action :"load" OR "downloadxmd" OR "uploadxmd" OR "detectEncoding" OR "downloadErrorFile"
load: for loading csv
downloadxmd: to download existing xmd files
uploadxmd: for uploading user.xmd.json
detectEncoding: To detect the encoding of the inputFile
downloadErrorFile: To downloading the error file for csv upload jobs
--u : login
--p : (Optional) password,if omitted you will be prompted
--token : (Optional) token
--endpoint: (Optional) The Salesforce soap api endpoint (test/prod) Default:
--dataset : (Optional) the dataset alias. required if action=load
--datasetLabel : (Optional) the dataset label, Defaults to dataset alias.
--app : (Optional) the app/folder name for the dataset
--operation : (Optional) the operation for load (Overwrite/Upsert/Append/Delete) Default is Overwrite
--inputFile : (Optional) the input csv file. required if action=load
--rootObject: (Optional) the root SObject for the extract
--rowLimit: (Optional) the number of rows to extract, -1=all, default=1000
--sessionId : (Optional) the Salesforce sessionId. if specified,specify endpoint
--fileEncoding : (Optional) the encoding of the inputFile default UTF-8
--CodingErrorAction:(optional) What to do in case input characters are not UTF8: IGNORE|REPORT|REPLACE. Default REPORT. If you change this option you risk importing garbage characters
--uploadFormat : (Optional) the whether to upload as binary or csv. default binary");
--mode : (Optional) incremental upload. It can be "Incremental" or "None"(default value)
--server : set this to true if you want to run this in server mode and use the UI. If you give this param all other params will be ignored
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1jar --server true
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action load --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --inputFile Opportunity.csv --dataset puntest
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action load --operation append --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --inputFile Opportunity.csv --dataset puntest
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action load --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --inputFile Opportunity.csv --dataset puntest --endpoint
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action downloadxmd --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --dataset puntest
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action uploadxmd --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --inputFile user.xmd.json --dataset puntest
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action detectEncoding --inputFile Opportunity.csv
java -jar datasetutils-48.1.1.jar --action downloadErrorFile --u [email protected] --p @#@#@# --dataset puntest
git clone
mvn clean install