A small Java console application that displays the key/value pairs of any System Property that has both a String-type key and a String-type value.
The author wanted a way to display the Java version being used at run-time during a period of time when various Java versions were available, raning from 8 to 12.0.2.
Date written: September 8, 2019
Althought the program was originally developed in Eclipse (2019-06), I deliberately set up the project so that it could be easily run in other java IDEs such as
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code
- jGrasp -
That is why there is no
folder in the project.
One thing that I do that you may or may not agree with is how/where I install the JDK on my Windows computers.
Normally, the JDK installer for Windows wants to install into c:\program files\java\
or c:\program files (x86)\java
which I do not like, so I overrride it to point to c:\java.
The advantage of this approach is that the resulting PATH
environment variable is shorter and does not approach the maximum limit of 256 or 1024 total characters, depending on which version of Windows is being used.
Another thing I do is to not use version-specific numbering of the directory where the JDK is installed.
For example, instead of c:\java\jdk-8\
or c:\java\jdk-12.0.2\
my (one and only) JDK is installed in c:\java\jdk\
Feel free to disagree, but you need to know this if you are cloning this project from GitHub.
Here is some sample output as seen on September 8, 2019 (minus some information I'd rather keep private), which is indicated by ...snip...
key=sun.desktop, value=windows
key=awt.toolkit, value=sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
key=java.specification.version, value=12
key=sun.cpu.isalist, value=amd64
key=sun.jnu.encoding, value=Cp1252
key=java.class.path, value=C:\projects\JSSforAPCS\java-version-information
key=java.vm.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation
key=sun.arch.data.model, value=64
key=java.vendor.url, value=https://java.oracle.com/
key=java.vm.specification.version, value=12
key=os.name, value=Windows 10
key=sun.java.launcher, value=SUN_STANDARD
key=user.country, value=US
key=sun.boot.library.path, value=C:\java\jdk\bin
key=sun.java.command, value=JavaVersionInformation
key=jdk.debug, value=release
key=sun.cpu.endian, value=little
key=user.home, value=C:\Users\...snip...
key=user.language, value=en
key=java.specification.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation
key=java.version.date, value=2019-07-16
key=java.home, value=C:\java\jdk
key=file.separator, value=\
key=java.vm.compressedOopsMode, value=Zero based
key=java.vm.specification.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation
key=java.specification.name, value=Java Platform API Specification
key=java.awt.graphicsenv, value=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
key=sun.management.compiler, value=HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
key=java.runtime.version, value=12.0.2+10
key=user.name, value=...snip...
key=path.separator, value=;
key=os.version, value=10.0
key=java.runtime.name, value=Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
key=file.encoding, value=UTF-8
key=java.vm.name, value=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
key=java.vendor.url.bug, value=https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/
key=java.io.tmpdir, value=C:\Users\...snip...\AppData\Local\Temp\
key=java.version, value=12.0.2
key=user.dir, value=C:\projects\JSSforAPCS\java-version-information
key=os.arch, value=amd64
key=java.vm.specification.name, value=Java Virtual Machine Specification
key=java.library.path, value=C:\java\jdk\bin;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:/java/jdk/bin/server;C:/java/jdk/bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\; ...snip ...
key=java.vm.info, value=mixed mode, sharing
key=java.vendor, value=Oracle Corporation
key=java.vm.version, value=12.0.2+10
key=sun.io.unicode.encoding, value=UnicodeLittle
key=java.class.version, value=56.0