This repository contains the code for a YouTube tutorial series by Amichai Mantinband, where he builds a REST API following Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles using ASP.NET 6. However, the content of this repository has been adapted and implemented using the latest version, ASP.NET 8.
The tutorial series covers the development of a REST API from scratch, following Clean Architecture and DDD best practices. It utilizes various technologies and libraries, including:
- .NET 8 (originally based on .NET 6)
- Entity Framework Core
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
- MediatR
- FluentValidation
- ErrorOr
- Throw
- Mapster
The series aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these patterns and libraries, enabling you to apply them effectively in industry-level applications.
The tutorial series is available on YouTube. You can access the playlist here.
Note: This repository is based on Amichai Mantinband's tutorials. If you find this content helpful, consider supporting the original creator through his Patreon.