This library wraps calls from the API
var myApp = new Flybase('YOUR_API_KEY','YOUR-APP','YOUR-COLLECTION');
//list documents
console.log('List Documents : ', data);
//insert documents
myApp.push({mytest : 'testing'}, function(data){
console.log('Insert Documents : ', data);
//update document
myApp.updateDocument('1234566', {name : 'myself'}, function(data){
console.log('Insert Documents : ', data);
//delete document
myApp.deleteDocument('502851432', function(data){
console.log('Delete Document : ', data);
To get the documents in the specified collection. If no parameters are passed, it lists all of them. Otherwise, it lists the documents in the collection matching the specified parameters:
GET /apps/{app}/collections/{collection}
Example listing all documents in a given collection:
Optional parameters
- restrict results by the specified JSON query. Queries are structured similar to mongodb, this gives you more control.c=true
- return the result count for this queryf=<set of fields>
- specify the set of fields to include or exclude in each document (1 - include; 0 - exclude)fo=true
- return a single document from the result set (same as findOne() using the mongo shells=<sort order>
- specify the order in which to sort each specified field (1- ascending; -1 - descending)sk=<num results to skip>
- specify the number of results to skip in the result set; useful for pagingl=<limit>
- specify the limit for the number of results (default is 1000)
"q" example - return all documents with "active" field of true:{"active": true}&apiKey=myAPIKey
"c" example - return the count of documents with "active" of true:{"active": true}&c=true&apiKey=myAPIKey
"f" example (include) - return all documents but include only the "firstName" and "lastName" fields:{"firstName": 1, "lastName": 1}&apiKey=myAPIKey
"f" example (exclude) - return all documents but exclude the "notes" field:{"notes": 0}&apiKey=myAPIKey
"fo" example - return a single document matching "active" field of true:{"active": true}&fo=true&apiKey=myAPIKey
"s" example - return all documents sorted by "priority" ascending and "difficulty" descending:{"priority": 1, "difficulty": -1}&apiKey=myAPIKey
"sk" and "l" example - sort by "name" ascending and return 10 documents after skipping 20{"name":1}&sk=20&l=10&apiKey=myAPIKey
Check out the chatdemo
folder to see an example of a real-time chat page.