Purpose of this repository: creating (preferably interactive) sunburst/timeline graphs with national territorial UNFCCC CRF emission data (+energy production/use, consumption-based emission data, ...), using Angular and (at the moment) the Highcharts visualisation library.
- Application development url: https://codesandbox.io/s/github/floriandierickx/unfccc-crf-angular
- Check the GitHub Issues for ideas or add new feature ideas
- Contribution:
- Create an account on CodeSandbox using your GitHub account
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- Import this project from GitHub using url https://github.com/floriandierickx/unfccc-crf-angular
- Log in to your GitHub account and link sandbox
- Make edits
- Commit changes to a new branch (pull request)
- Add data wrangling info (preferably code) : #5
- Use all-country (if possible) all-years EEA dataset and create country- and year-filter feature #2
- Add line graph with historical emissions per main category and subcategories #3
- Add energy production and energy use sunbursts #4
- Add consumption-based emissions for comparison #7
- Hierarchical UNFCCC CRF data provided by EEA: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/national-emissions-reported-to-the-unfccc-and-to-the-eu-greenhouse-gas-monitoring-mechanism-16
- UNFCCC CRF category defitions from Johannes Gütschow: https://twitter.com/JoGuetschow/status/1330854682743484419?s=20
- Belgian National Inventory Report category information (addition to graph = work in progress): http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art07_inventory/ghg_inventory/envxpvoyw/
- More fine-grained breakdown of UNFCCC CRF emissions: @mikapfl and @openclimatedata (and a tiny little bit @floriandierickx :)) read_di_unfccc data from UNFCCC API
- IEA energy production and use data for energy sunbursts
- (feel free to add here..)
- Angular highcharts project on CodeSandBox: https://codesandbox.io/s/unfccc-crf-angular-n1vop
- Angular (Material) documentation: https://angular.io/docs
- Highcharts integration in Angular: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-angular
- ghg_country_selector from @martindaniel4
- @HannahRitchie and @OurWorldInData-User from @owid : https://ourworldindata.org/ghg-emissions-by-sector