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License Agreement

Raymond Xie edited this page Dec 19, 2017 · 18 revisions

You can use the plugin for free, or you can also pay to get a license. IMPORTANT!!! Before using the plugin, please read the following content and accept the agreement. THIS WILL AVOID POTENTIAL PROBLEM AND DISPUTE.

There are 3 options, fully up to you to pick one of them:

1. Free and Open Source

Fork the source code and maintain it yourself (bug fix, any future changes on Cordova and SDK, integration support, etc.); see the open source project here:

Fork and pull request are welcome.

Reminder: copy the code, change a plugin name, without feature enhancement, then publish to npm, is not allowed.

2. Commercial

If you are using this plugin in a commercial project, please get a license. If you have used this plugin for FREE but monetized more than $1000, you are also required to get a license, or share us some Ad traffic as stated in win-win partnership model below. When a commercial license applies, there will be no more Ad traffic sharing, and 100% use your own Ad unit id.

Pay $20 one time for a license to disable the ad sharing, to cover my maintenance and support effort. If you want to buy a license, we only accept payment via PayPal, please check:

You can get one license key, and use it for all YOUR OWN apps, under the same domain, like: com.yourcompany.app1, com.yourcompany.app2, etc.

Kindly reminder, do not use a fake license key or a license key from others, do not share your license key with others. Abuse of the license key may cause negative impact.

3. Win-win partnership

And, if you don't have enough money yet to get a license, or don't have a PayPal account, here is another flexible option worth considering, no need to pay a cent. We may call it partnership.

We maintain, support, and version update for any plugin issues, you don't worry about its update or bugfix, just use it for free, and focus on your app or game logic.

Ship our code with yours to end-user, no need paying a cent at all, instead, share 2 percent ad traffic, so that we can both benefit and cover our cost to maintain and enhance this project.

Kindly reminder:

  1. If you are using DFP, please use commercial mode only. Your customer won't be happy to see ad from others.
  2. If you have a high user traffic, please consider to get a license, it will be more cost-effective. Or else you might be unhappy someday.

Privacy Statement

When this plugin is initialized, it will send license key and app id to our license control servers, only for validation it's used with legal authorization. It won't collect any user's IP or any privacy data and store in our server.

The plugin is built based on AdMob SDK, when your app send Ad request to AdMob servers, Google's server might collect user's IP for big data analysis and Ad optimization purpose. It's covered by Google's policy, not ours.

If you want to increase accuracy of Ad publishing to improve click rate, targeting the right users is a good idea. You may optionally send the gender/age/location info to Google Ad server by setting the related info in the API. It's your own behavior and responsibility to balance the pros/cons, nothing to do with us.


Friendly reminder to all AdMob publishers:

⚠:Invalid usage violating Google rules, may cause your APP removed from Google Play, and even AdMob account suspended !

AdMob publisher may NOT abuse or encourage abuse any Google products, including Google Play, YouTube or Bolgger, incuding allow user downloading YouTube video, or embed YouTube video in your own apps.

Publishers may NOT click their own ads or use any means to inflate impressions and/or clicks artificially, including manual methods. Testing your own ads by clicking on them is not allowed.

To reduce abuse and serve Cordova/HTML5 community better, now the plugin will check from server-side database, if the app is blacklisted by Google, it won't send any Ad request.

More details, please read AdMob & AdSense policies