A modern, responsive website for Dr. Peyman's medical weight loss clinic built with Next.js 14 and TypeScript.
- Next.js 14: React framework with App Router for server-side rendering and routing
- TypeScript: For type-safe code and better developer experience
- React 18: For building user interfaces with server components
- Node.js: Runtime environment
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling
- Shadcn UI: High-quality UI components built on Radix UI
- Radix UI: Unstyled, accessible UI components
- Lucide Icons: Beautiful, consistent icon set
- React Hook Form: Form validation and handling
- Zod: TypeScript-first schema validation
- NUQS: URL search params state management
- Next.js Image: Automatic image optimization
- Turbopack: Fast development builds
- CSS Modules: Scoped styling solution
- ESLint: Code linting
- Prettier: Code formatting
- Husky: Git hooks for code quality
- Vercel: Deployment platform
- Responsive design with mobile-first approach
- Modern, feminine aesthetic with carefully chosen color palette
- Smooth animations and transitions
- Accessible components following WCAG guidelines
- Dynamic before/after image slider
- Interactive booking system
- Contact form with validation
- Responsive navigation
- Treatment information pages
- Testimonials showcase
- Server-side rendering for fast initial load
- Image optimization and lazy loading
- Route prefetching
- Optimized Core Web Vitals
├── app/ # Next.js App Router pages
│ ├── (routes)/ # Route groups
│ ├── api/ # API routes
│ └── layout.tsx # Root layout
├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── ui/ # UI components
│ ├── layout/ # Layout components
│ └── forms/ # Form components
├── lib/ # Utility functions
├── styles/ # Global styles
└── types/ # TypeScript types
For the before/after slider component, use the following image specifications:
- Width: 1792px (3584px for 2x)
- Height: 784px (1568px for 2x)
- Format: WebP or PNG
- Location:
Clone the repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/flight505/weight_loss.git ```
Install dependencies: ```bash yarn install ```
Run the development server: ```bash yarn dev ```
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
The site is deployed on Vercel. Each push to the main branch triggers an automatic deployment.
- Create a feature branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request
This project is private and proprietary. All rights reserved.