This project builds a recommender system that can learn from historical observed network metrics and predict network performance as well as recommend network profiles for better performance and easier network management.
There are many factors that can affect performance of a network. Factors can be internal or external to network endpoints or network routers/switches. Interactions among various factors are complicated. It is hard to well define the relationship among the factors mathematically. How to manage performance of a network in a predictable manner thus has been a big challenge to vendors of network equipments.
The idea behind the recommender is simple. It uses a unsupervised machine learning algorithm to cluster similar network performance metrics to a number of "performance profiles" and uses a Collaborative Filtering algorithm to learn latent factors betwwen the profiles and network endpoints, then to predict and recommend missing 'users-items' or 'endpoints-profiles' entries.
Training of the recommender system take place in two phases:
The first phase uses KMeans Clustering to group network peformance metrics observed on thousands of network endpoints to K performance profiles (K = 99999)
The second phase trains an Alternate Least Square (ALS) model using the same network data set as in the first phase by mapping network endpoints to 'users', mapping network performance profiles to 'items' and mapping observed effective network throughput (eg., PHY rates) to 'ratings'.
The project has two different implementations:
- One is implemented in Python based on Spark PySpark and Spark ML
- Another is implemented in C++ based on Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL) and MPI for scalable distributed analytics
- The Python implementation is provided in a Jupyter notebook. It requires Jupyter Notebook.
- The C++ implementations requires GNU C++11, MPICH library (or OpenMPI or Intel MPI) and Intel DAAL.
Both implementations uses the same set of data samples. To run the same code on multiple distributed nodes, a network file system like NFS or Samba or a distributed file system like HDFS, GlusterFS or CephFS is required to access networked or distributed data files.
This project is released under the MIT License.