- Install from App Store XCode if it is not default on the new Mac. After installing, which normally starts automatically after downloading ...
$ xcode-select -p (it shall give a valid path as below:) /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
- Install homebrew using this command. Your mac shall have a password, otherwise won't work well.
After installing, you shall see:
==> Installation successful!
==> Next steps
brew doctor
before you install anything Runbrew help
to get started
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)"
- Install MySQL via homebrew
$ brew install mysql To verify that the installation is successful by connecting to the UCSC MySQL. $ mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A
- Install RMySQL within R
Sys.setenv(PKG_CPPFLAGS = "-I/usr/local/include/mysql") Sys.setenv(PKG_LIBS = "-L/usr/local/lib -lmysqlclient") install.packages("RMySQL", type="source") library(RMySQL)