============== Note (2016-10-14)
This is not being maintained anymore. Upstream version has already supported Chromium, go here to download it.
Many thanks to Drant for supporting it
============== End
This is a modified version of GW2Navi application by Drant. I only alter the use of JWebBrowser to CefBrowser.
I modified it as my PC is using WIndows 10 and the original won't work because of IE 11.
Original version: GW2Navi
- Java 8 64 bit
- Currently only support 64 Bit Windows
- Download from here: https://github.com/ffd114/gw2route/releases
- Extract
- Double click
- DJNativeSwing.jar
- DJNativeSwing-SWT.jar
- gluegen-rt.jar
- gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar
- ini4j-0.5.2.jar
- jcef.jar
- jcef-tests.jar
- jna.jar
- jogl-all.jar
- jogl-all-natives-windows-amd64.jar
- platform.jar
- swt-win64.jar
- Java CEF
MIT License