- Obtain list of available inputs
- Obtain list of supported video and audio constraints
- Get User media
- Detect custom screenshare extension
- Request screenshare extension
- ES6 Syntax
- Travis CI
The following API enpoints are available:
- listDevices
- listDevicesP
- listInputDevices
- listInputDevicesP
- listSupportedConstraints
- checkExtension
- checkExtensionP
- getScreen
- getScreenP
- getMedia
- setTestConstraints
- stopAllTracks
Each of the following sections explains the mode of use of each of the functions and objects made available in the module.
To start using the module clone the repo into your node_modules
npm install git+https://github.com/ferborva/webrtc-int.git --save
Then require/import it into your front-end project:
eg. import WebStreams from 'webrtc-int';
For the module to work you will need to leverage a build system which makes use of Babel (ES6 to compatibile syntax) and Browserify/Webpack or one alike.
Good examples of ready to use development systems are the EmberCLI and Meteor Project. Indeed there are many more that can be used.
The module offers API endpoints which use either Promise based results or Task objects to the user in order to offer a greater flexibility in the use. Notice that the Task versions are objects where as the Promise versions are functions that have to be invoked before they are managed.
Type: Task
.fork(error => {
// Handle error
}, results => {
// Handle Array of results
Type: Function
Return: Promise
.then(results => {
// Handle Array of results
}, error => {
// Handle error
Type: Task
.fork(error => {
// Handle error
}, results => {
// Handle Array of results
Type: Function
Return: Promise
.then(results => {
// Handle Array of results
}, error => {
// Handle error
List Device possible Error messages. These apply to the above calls:
- Get User Media not supported
- Enumerate devices not supported
- InternalError on enumerateDevices API
Type: Function
Return: Array
const results = WebStreams.listSupportedConstraints()
Type: Task (Predicate)
.fork(error => {
// Handle error
}, ok => {
// Handle ok
Type: Function
Return: Promise (Predicate)
.then(ok => {
// Handle ok
}, error => {
// Handle error
Type: Task
.fork(error => {
// Handle error
}, result => {
// Handle MediaStream result
Type: Function
Return: Promise
.then(result => {
// Handle MediaStream result
}, error => {
// Handle error
Get Screen Share possible Error messages. These apply to the above calls:
- Screen Share extension is not installed or disabled
- Screen Share extension not responding
- Screen Share permission denied by user
- Get User Media not supported
- Only secure origins are allowed
- InternalError on getUserMedia API
Type: Function
Param: constraints ; Type: Object ; Values: MediaStreamConstraints dictionary
Return: Promise
.then(result => {
// Handle MediaStream result
}, error => {
// Handle error
Examples of constraints:
const ex1 = {
video: true
const ex2 = {
audio: true
const ex3 = {
video: true,
audio: true
const ex4 = {
video: {
width: 160,
height: 120
audio: {
echoCancellation: true
Test Mode
Available for low resolution options. To use the test mode constraints call getMedia
const constraints = {testMode: true}
.then(result => {
// Handle MediaStream result
}, error => {
// Handle error
Get User Media possible Error messages:
- Get User Media not supported
- At least one of audio and video must be requested
- Only secure origins are allowed
- InternalError on getUserMedia API
Type: Function
Param: constraints ; Type: Object ; Values: MediaStreamConstraints dictionary
Return: Object
By default the testing constraints used are:
video: {
height: 120,
width: 160,
frameRate: {
ideal: 5,
max: 10
facingMode: 'user'
audio: {
echoCancellation: true,
volume: 1
Type: Function
Return: Either Type
This function will go through all the cached MediaStreams, look for the active tracks on them and stop the tracks. Helper function used to clear the browser's "recording" state.
Unit tests are run using Mocha. You can install it with the following command:
npm install -g mocha
and run the tests with:
or npm test
- compose
- composeK
- filter
- map
- flatten
- isNil
- prop
- chain
- test
- curry
Build command:
./scripts/build -- src/chain.js src/filter.js src/map.js src/flatten.js src/curry.js src/isNil.js src/prop.js src/is.js src/test.js src/compose.js src/composeK.js > dist/ramda.custom.js