A reproducible and versioned Natural Language Processing pipeline for classifying tweets as being associated to a disaster or not.
The current best performance is at 78% macro avg f1-score.
The dataset is composed by 7,613 tweets (textual data only) labeled as 1
(disaster) or 0
(not disaster).
The actual time of the disaster event is irrelevant, e.g. tweets about Hiroshima has been consistently labeled as 1
, e.g.
"We are on our way to Hiroshima. Today is the 70th anniversary of the detonation of the atomic bomb."
The data was originally obtained from the Kaggle competition Real or Not? NLP with Disaster Tweets.
The original data should be found in the directory
cd workspace/data/nlp-getting-started/
Otherwise, do
pip install kaggle
cd workspace/data/
kaggle competitions download -c nlp-getting-started
In this project, we chose to only use text
to predict the target
, to avoid depending on keywords that may not be available in the future. Also, we chose not to rely on location
either, because the data does not seem to be extensive enough (both in time and space) as to avoid bias.
Warning: the test set has actually been leaked, thus the Kaggle leaderboard is to be mostly ignored.
- analysis: contains jupyter notebooks for experimentation and analysis
- disaster: main Python package with source of the model
- tests: contains files used for unit tests
- workspace: were inputs and outputs live
├── analysis
│ ├── out
│ └── performance.ipynb
├── disaster
│ ├── bert_embedding.py
│ ├── config.py
│ ├── glove_embedding.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── main.py
│ └── __pycache__
├── disaster.egg-info
├── Dockerfile
├── images
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.py
├── tests
│ ├── conftest.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── test_run.py
└── workspace
├── data
├── download
├── features
├── models
└── predict
This manual assumes an Ubuntu Linux operating system, or other Debian Linux distribution.
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/felipepenha/disaster.git
Check whether docker
is installed by running
docker run hello-world
The expected result is Hello from Docker!
. Otherwise,
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo reboot
sudo apt install docker.io
Then, run
cd disaster
make check
make run
To include kwargs
make run PARAMS="--kwarg=[value of kwarg]"
The following kwargs
are available:
alpha: float
ElasticNet hyperparameter
- Constant that multiplies the penalty terms
l1_ratio: float
ElasticNet hyperparameter
- Mixing parameter
filename_fs: str
Filename where to read list of features
(not necessary when executing $ make run)
opt_features: List[str]
List of type of features to include
Possible values:
'regex', 'vaderSentiment', 'glove', 'bert'
n_estimators: int
RandomForestClassifier hyperparameter
- The number of trees in the forest
max_depth: int
RandomForestClassifier hyperparameter
- The maximum depth of the tree
min_samples_split: int
RandomForestClassifier hyperparameter
- The minimum number of samples required to
split an internal node
n_jobs: int
The number of jobs to run in parallel
- n_jobs=-1 uses all processor available
n_jobs=-2 uses all processors but 1
random_state: int
Controls both the randomness of the
bootstrapping of the samples used when
building trees (if bootstrap=True)
and the sampling of the features to
consider when looking for the best split
at each node (if max_features < n_features)
make run PARAMS=\
"--alpha=0.01 --l1_ratio=0.01 \
--opt_features=[regex,vaderSentiment,glove,bert] \
--n_estimators=500 \
--max_depth=10 \
--min_samples_split=10 0\
--n_jobs=4 \
In case you would like to run the project step by step, run these sequentally
make clean
make check
make split
make process
make features
make select
The latter will generate a file named [timestamp]_feature_selection.txt
where timestr
is of the form '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
. Next,
make skip PARAMS="--filename_fs='[timestr]_feature_selection.txt'"
At this point, you can change the hyperparameters with kwargs passed to PARAMS
for further tunning the model beyond the defaults.
Finally, to release a new version:
git add .
git commit -m "..."
make release VERSION=X.Y.Z
Check Travis CI to monitor Continuous Integration.
Experiments metadata are found at
For example, the best performance obtained so far (on the validation set) has been logged as
"timestr": "20200319041907",
"opt_features": [
"alpha": 1.0,
"l1_ratio": 0.0005,
"n_estimators": 1000,
"max_depth": 8,
"min_samples_split": 250,
"n_jobs": -2,
"random_state": 43,
"class_weight": "balanced",
"filename_fs": "20200319041907_feature_selection.txt",
"classification_report": {
"0": {
"precision": 0.8087035358114234,
"recall": 0.7992831541218638,
"f1-score": 0.80396575033799,
"support": 1116
"1": {
"precision": 0.7304452466907341,
"recall": 0.7420537897310513,
"f1-score": 0.7362037598544572,
"support": 818
"accuracy": 0.7750775594622544,
"macro avg": {
"precision": 0.7695743912510787,
"recall": 0.7706684719264576,
"f1-score": 0.7700847550962235,
"support": 1934
"weighted avg": {
"precision": 0.7756035976000872,
"recall": 0.7750775594622544,
"f1-score": 0.7753053014157925,
"support": 1934