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Mashreq mobile assessment

  • Registration Form for user - Country specific validation
  • Country specific vaalidations for username
  • Theme change is both on after country and same can be done after login.
  • Styled component and JSX component both are there.
  • Styled base theme implementation
  • Three languages implement - English, Russian and French
  • Axios is getting use for API call
  • Redux saga for state management
  • React testing library/Jest for testing
  • For push notification, FCM. (Android, IOS don't have certificates for APN)

Note: For Android - To test the API on emulator, change it with your local IP instead of localhost in network.ts file.

Step 1: Installation

# for node modules

# ios - installation
pod install

Step 2: Start the Metro Server

First, you will need to start Metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native.

To start Metro, run the following command from the root of your React Native project:

# using npm
npm start

# OR using Yarn
yarn start

Step 3: Start your Application

Let Metro Bundler run in its own terminal. Open a new terminal from the root of your React Native project. Run the following command to start your Android or iOS app:

For Android

# using Yarn
yarn android

For iOS

# using Yarn
yarn ios

Or you can start it directly on Xcode or Android studio

If everything is set up correctly, you should see your new app running in your Android Emulator or iOS Simulator shortly provided you have set up your emulator/simulator correctly.

Firebase config

Create firebase project on . Change it with your own configuration, and change GoogleService-Info.plist and google-services.json

This is my configuration on my firebase project.

const RNfirebaseConfig: any = {
    apiKey: "AIzaSyDJ1-MBw0yn6PJHlAC4VK0MuHsKAXP_MQk",
    authDomain: "",
    projectId: "mashreq-web-push",
    databaseURL: '',
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "505157567702",
    appId:{ ios: "1:505157567702:ios:676c5b638f7e20035bb577", android: "1:505157567702:android:2353d3f7c215e9a85bb577" })

To test the Push notification on Android with my settings, open

For now use my Server Key*


and copy from console:

Your Firebase Token is: f9WPwcVdToGSONAjBsBvEN:APA91bEtFkxuQ-q6bYhSAknZ_HGCPLtTUEgnuVtZNzul3GCXMnypSnPDSMn8_-TWqXJem_-XHGs1NSicEtPSLj-b5Ops_OyJifLw3y8ftnwrlGZwZn-SivJz1_5jVE1CsJ6HZFG8RFLI

You can test it on Android, For IOS, I don't have app certificate so you will not abe to do anything.


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