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See also the general topics below, especially data structures and algorithms.
Game Programming Patterns (free book on some design patterns possibly useful in games)
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Making Games with Python & Pygame (free books)
- A simple high-level explanation
- Evolve Your Hierarchy (one of the earlier mainstream ECS papers)
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) -- boolean operations on meshes
Fast Inverse Square Root -- famous algorithm for calculating
1 / sqrt(x)
, used heavily for vector normalization (originally for lighting in Quake III Arena) -
Fix Your Timestep! (or, how to do timesteps right. Read it.)
Red Blob Games (good visual resource on algorithms like A*, hexagonal grids, etc.)
Catmull-Rom splines (splines that pass through all control points; good for games)
Game AI
- Behavior Trees
- Boids (flocking behavior)
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) (follow-up: (An ((Even Better) Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)))
Modern Compiler Implementation in ML (commercial book; variants in C and Java are available, but aren't as good)
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (aka The Dragon Book)
Write You A Haskell (currently unfinished)
Official LLVM Tutorial (implements a compiler for a tiny toy language called Kaleidoscope); Haskell and OCaml versions also available.
- Constant Folding (basic optimization by statically evaluating constants)
- Automatic Vectorization -- automatically convert scalar code to vectorized (SIMD) code
- Deforestation
- Dead Code Elimination (via control flow analysis)
- Growing A Language (by Guy Steele Jr. of Scheme fame, on the challenges of designing languages that can scale)
- Reverse Compilation Techniques (Cristina Cifuentes' rather in-depth thesis on decompilation)
- decomp
- Pratt parsers
- PEG grammars, Packrat parsers
- Top-Down operator precedence parsing
- Earley parsers
- Shunting-yard algorithm for easy infix expression parsing (infix to tree/prefix/postfix)
- Reverse Polish Notation
- Monadic Parsing in Haskell
- Introduction to Algorithms (also known as CLRS, a famous algorithms book)
- Big O in Plain English
- Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm (fast substring search, used notably in
) - Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm
- Burrows–Wheeler transform (decreases entropy in data reversibly, used notably in
) - Huffman coding (tree for generating optimal prefix codes, used a lot in compression)
- Bucket Sort, Tree Sort, Radix Sort
- Pathfinding / Graph Searching
- Depth First Search, Breadth First Search (basic graph traversal algorithms)
- Dijkstra's Algorithm (general shortest-path pathfinding / graph traversal)
- A* (Dijkstra's algorithm with heuristics, very commonly used)
- D* Lite
- Jump Point Search
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Prim's Algorithm
- Topological sorting (for ordering nodes in a graph based on dependents)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (free book)
- Creating A Genetic Algorithm For Beginners
- Bloom Filter
- van Laarhoven lenses (see the Haskell section on
) - Purely Functional Data Structures (commercial book; extended from freely available thesis)
- Free Monads
- Spatial partitioning
- Quadtrees (2D), Octrees (3D)
- Bounding Volume Hierarchies
- Binary Space Partitioning (BSP)
- Tries
- Interval trees / Segment trees
- Blockchain 101 (a good video tutorial and demonstration of blockchains)
- Distributed Hash Table (self-explanatory; notably used in BitTorrent)
- (tutorial and reference)
- refiddle, regex101, regexpal (online regex testers)
- Implementing Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast in particular is well worth a read
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic HTML reprint / PDF
- How To Write a Computer Emulator (older Emulation FAQ)
- GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript (a tutorial)
- Statically Recompiling NES Games into Native Executables with LLVM and Go (an attempt at statically recompiling NES binaries)
- NixOS (see also Nix, its more portable package manager) -- an OS built around Nix, a referentially transparent package manager. Allows you to build an entire OS setup around a single config file, with multiple profiles and no package dependency hell.
- MenuetOS -- fairly modern OS written in x86_64 assembly
- MINIX -- the teaching OS
- Harvard architecture, Modified Harvard architecture
- Stack machines (useful in programming language VMs or concatenative languages)
- Register machines
- Delay slots
- Branch Prediction
- x86 Assembly Wikibook
- x86 Instruction Set Reference
- [xchg rax,rax] -- interesting/clever x86_64 snippets
- SPIM (MIPS simulator; unfortunately no macros/pseudo-instructions)
- MARS (another MIPS simulator, more featureful but requires Java)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (free book)
- Documentation
- GUIs
- Qt
- Tkinter
- GUIs
- Eloquent Javascript (free book)
- You Don't Know JS (series of free books)
- this
- Fetch API
- Typed Arrays for manipulating binary data / compact native arrays
- Web Storage, IndexedDB -- offline in-browser databases
- TextEncoder/TextDecoder APIs for text codecs
- asm.js -- a subset of JavaScript (statically type inferrable, no GC) targetted at efficient machine translation/compilation
- Web Assembly -- a text (S-expression based) and binary IR with goals similar to asm.js
- SIMD.js
- Emscripten, Cheerp -- C/C++/LLVM to JavaScript/asm.js/webasm compilers
- Ramda -- a library for functional programming in JavaScript; includes lenses, immutable data structures, and is generally much better than lodash.
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (free book)
- Haskell Programming from First Principles (free book)
- Real World Haskell (free book)
- Introduction to Haskell
- Documentation for Prelude
- Stack (Package manager with stable package tree snapshots and sandboxing)
- Lenses
- lens library
- History of Lenses
- Lenses in Pictures (nice visual explanation)
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures (visual explanation of functors/applicative functors/monads)
- A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class (a history of Haskell)
- Philip Wadler's monad papers
- See the Purely Functional Data Structures and Free Monads sections in Data Structures above
- Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine (seminal LISP paper by McCarthy)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (also known as The Wizard Book)
- Lambda Papers
- Racket Guide
- Realm of Racket (commercial book)
- Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! (free book)
- Documentation
- Real World OCaml (free book)
- Documentation
- OPAM (Package Manager)
- Rust By Example (free book)
- Manual
- Documentation
- (Third-party package documentation)
- git - the simple guide (simple intro to git)
- Pro Git (free book)
- Oh shit, git! (for when you inevitably mess up)
- Dark Patterns (sets of subversive and potentially malicious design patterns)
- Motherfucking Website -> Better Motherfucking Website -> Best Motherfucking Website
- How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
- On The Cruelty Of Really Teaching Computing Science (famous Dijkstra essay)
- Grace Hopper on Letterman
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar (free book/essay by Eric Raymond)
- The Jargon File