I've build many NestJS + TypeORM + PostgreSQL projects, this is a boilerplate to be used and/or extended by anyone who wants to 😀🎈⭐⭐.
It includes :
- Nest JS + TypeORM + postgreSQL all setup and ready to be extended
- A github continuous integration that lint + build + test
- Simple email/password auth API on
POST /auth/signup
andPOST /auth/login
- PostgreSQL database set up with two tables (
) - Sequential test suite working with jest
Run postgreSQL in docker
docker compose --file docker-pg.yml up
# copy .env.example to .env
# have postgreSQL running on localhost:5432
# eventually create a postgreSQL database
# CREATE DATABASE nesttypeorm;
# This script will create DB from .env and db/dump
node createAndPopulate.js
yarn migration:run
yarn start:dev
yarn test