Based on the work of Open Green Energy. Authors of the base code: Keith Hungerford and Debasish Dutta - Excellent work, gentlemen!
Major changes:
- simplified, restructured code (used Adafruit libraries for BME280 instead, sorry for this Keith)
- added relative pressure, dewpoint, dewpoint spread and heatindex calculations
- allow Blynk, ThingSpeak and MQTT data transmission
- redesigned box (simplified printing, less plastic usage, full snap-in)
- available languages (a big thank you to the contributors!)
- English
- German
- Italian (Chak10)
- Polish (TomaszDom)
- Romanian (zangaby)
- French (Ludestru)
- Spanish (Fedecatt)
- Turkish (Mert Sarac)
- Dutch (Rickthefrog)
- Norwegian (solbero)
Changes in V2.3
- included famous Zambretti forecaster (see Blynk example)
- added translation table for Zambretti forecast
- added multi language feature
Changes in V2.31
- added Dewpoint Spread
- fixed some minor things
- added Zambretti forecast in Thingspeak (thank you ThomaszDom)
Changes in V2.31 (MQTT version)
- allows to publish data to MQTT broker (alternative .ino file)
Changes in V2.32
- Battery monitoring and going to hibernate if battery low (battery protection)
- Warning text will be shown instead of Zambretti prediction if batt low
Changes in V2.33
- Corrected bug in the winter/summer adjustment for the Zambretti forecast
Changes in V2.34
- added August-Roche-Magnus approximation to automatically adjust humidity with temperature corrections
- Code cleanup
Changes in V2.34.2
- Code cleanup due to the fact that I dont need Blynk, MQTT, and Thingspeak. To have it more lightweight.
- Implemented influxDB to log into an influxDB over WiFI to visualize the data with Grafana. Thanks to FrankUlbrich for his work!
- Fixed the behavior how the Wifi Connection is established.
- additional variable added for naming the device.
Note: In my point of view its a security issue when the ESP8266 creates an open and unencrypted Wifi AP every time it wakes up. This should be fixed with the code.
Note_2: Thanks a lot to all the contributors of this! Without you people this would not have been possible.
Note_3: It seems that the new code of u3kdelta is using even less power. I used before the code of FrankUlbrich and changed it to my needs.
Print the box yourself:
Showing the data on a LED display: