A simple implementation of pubsub using websockets in golang
$ make build
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-X github.com/eytan-avisror/ws-simple-pubsub/pubsub.buildDate=`date +%FT%T%z` -X github.com/eytan-avisror/ws-simple-pubsub/pubsub.gitCommit=`git rev-parse HEAD`" -o bin/ws-simple-pubsub github.com/eytan-avisror/ws-simple-pubsub
chmod +x bin/ws-simple-pubsub
$ ./bin/ws-simple-pubsub --help
Usage of ./bin/ws-simple-pubsub:
-bind-addr string
the address to bind the server to (default "localhost")
-bind-port string
the port to bind the server to (default "8080")
$ ./bin/ws-simple-pubsub
INFO[0000] registering websocket handler '/ws'
INFO[0000] starting server on localhost:8080
From a websocket client, connect to the websocket endpoint at /ws
and submit the below payloads.
operation will subscribe to an existing topic, if the topic does not exist, it will be created and the client will be added as a subcscriber.
"op": "subscribe",
"topic": "my-topic"
operation will unsubscribe a client from a given topic.
"op": "unsubscribe",
"topic": "my-topic"
operation will publish a message to a topic, if topic does not exist, it will be created and the client will not be added as subscriber.
"op": "publish",
"topic": "my-topic",
"message": "my-message"
operation will remove client from all topics.
"op": "remove"
operation will list all available topics.
"op": "list"