Neovim plugin offer speech to text capability using speech_recognition.
You can select your favorite engine for speech-to-text : whisper, openai, google, azure etc.. (All supported engines in speech recognition)
This is basically a tin wrapper around speech_recognition. So, you really want to check out its documentation. Should work OOB with whisper function.
Uses keyboard package , which I think on linux requires admin. Luckily, only used for detection of ESC so ESC might not work. Tested on windows only (but should work).
Plug 'eyalk11/speech-to-text.nvim'
And then:
!pip install -r ~/.vim/plugged/speech-to-text.nvim/requirements.txt
(Those are minimal requirements. It may need additional - see speech_recognition)
Plug 'eyalk11/speech-to-text.nvim', {'do': ':!python -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt \| :UpdateRemotePlugins'}
Should work, but couldn't confirm this due to unclear output by vim-plug. Possibly OS dependet. Let me know if works.
It will add the
function - which returns text by speech
which replaces the selected range with text (by speech). Gets the same parameters as the ConfigureVoice commmand.
You can cancel both voice commands by pressing esc.
:ConfigureVoice [enginename] [paramsdic]
- which configures engine parameters (can also be done by yaml config).
The enginename and params would be used for the next Voice/GetVoice call.
It doesn't add by default.
You may use:
nmap <c-L> :Voice<CR>
imap <C-L> <C-R>=GetVoice()<CR> for helping out with replacing text.