Solve linter errors using guidance and gpt API. It runs mypy on targeted file and then uses gpt to try to fix the issues (espcially good for minor nagging issues). Displays a diff file for the required changes and ask you if you want to apply.
pip install gpt-linter
it is generally better to install the master
pip install git+
You will need openai access token for it.
In powershell:
$env:OPEN_AI_KEY = "sk-XXX"
OPEN_AI_KEY=sk-XXX python -m gpt_linter ...
Of course, mypy is required too.
python -m gpt_linter --help
A typical usage is
python -m gpt_linter --proj-path [PROJECT] [PYFILE]
It then tries to get a list of fixes from the chat , prints them , and finally try to come up with an updated version of the solution. It then checks the final file again , showing you the errors after the change, and displayes a diff file. It asks you if you want to apply the changes, and reruns main if not all issues were resolved.
If you want it to generate diff file, use:
python -m gpt_linter --proj-path [PROJECT] --no-color --dont-ask [PYFILE] > myfile.diff