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Yuri Strot edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 1 revision

Bug fixing

Bugs usually are high priority tasks. Also we're scheduling several major features to be implemented in each release.

100% SVG 1.1 support

Dozens of open tasks related to better SVG support:
Current status of W3C Test Coverage:

Complex features that need to be implemented for 100% SVG support:

SVG Rendering Tests

Currently Macaw tests cover only SVG parsing, but rendering checked manually. We need to find a good way to verify rendering automatically as well.

Status Update: the work started

Built-in Zooming Feature

This is the most frequently requested feature. Here is open issues:

  • #405: Can't get svgNode property in SVGView
  • #426: How to scale SVGView
  • #428: SVG render speed is very slow
  • #513: SVG pinch/zoom performance?
  • #531: Scrollable Scene.
  • #550: SVG rerendering after applying CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 2.0, y: 2.0) on MacawView
  • #552: [Question] How to scroll to specific point of scrollview?

Status Update: assigned to @ystrot


Related topics:

  • #197: Documentation
  • #219: No documentation

tvOS support

Related topics:

  • #275: tvOS support


Originally we planed to use scene graph as a basis for custom widgets library. There is no work done in this area yet, however it might be a great expansion.