Primarily a lot of maintenance fixes that improve handling and do things to a more professional standard. To core users a big feature here is that the solr index limit has been upped to 9999 which is the maximum the UKWA allows but will increase the range of files from which developers can choose from to investigate.
- 16125f1 Add .editorconfig
- 5e31268 Add .gitignore
- 53abc21 Add Go fmt to linting
- a1d6b6c Add a GitHub action for Linting
- de0e0f3 Add go.mod
- 0dcdd26 Add goreleaser code
- 3125384 Add more words to the workspace dictionary
- e3c8583 Add settings.json
- 9735796 Apply linting fixes to code
- 55212c1 Create FUNDING.yml
- f0f0a92 Fix the retrieval logic
- 6976698 Implement staticcheck suggestions
- 2b564cf Remove Seed before Rand (now deprecated)
- 5efe575 Remove log usage from helpers
- baf319d Remove warclight and fixup page increments