My cookiecutter for crafting Python packages with my favorite tooling. This has been extracted from procrastinate.
Feel free to steal from this and adapt it to your needs, though I think taking the whole thing as-is is a bad idea if you're not 100% familiar with all the tools & tricks used here. That being said, if you want more info on anything used here, feel free to open an issue!
After generating, look for TODO
in the code.
- Code of conduct: Contributor Covenant
- Readme with a lot of badges to show you're cool
- GitHub Codeowners
- MIT license
- Pull request template (including contributor feedback)
- .editorconfig
- requirements.txt that install dependencies for contributors
- setup.cfg-based metadata (minimalist
- classical metadata
- project urls for nice display in PyPI
- Classifiers with supported Python versions
- Long description read from README.rst
- setuptools-scm as mentionned above
- dev/tests/docs/doc spell check dependencies as extras
- Other tools' config is there, when possible: flake8, doc8, mypy, pytest, coverage
- Coverage ignores classic non-statements.
- Full commitless release:
- Each time a PR is merged, changelog information based on the PR title is being added to the next GitHub Release draft, using release-drafter. The next version number is determined by PR labels.
- When this draft is released, GitHub creates a tag. This tag is seen by Travis who then launches a build with a pypi deploy stage.
- The version of the package doesn't appear in the code. When building the package, the version is extracted from the latest tag, using setuptools-scm
- The whole process is documented in
- tox:
- Launching Pytest with all supported python versions
- Formatting:
- Code looks always the same with black (& compatible config)
- Imports are sorted with isort
- Linting:
- Blatant mistakes & PEP8 spotted by flake8
- type annotations checked by mypy (with "explicit optional", so when you have a callable argument with a default value None, you still to explicitly say that it's "Optional")
- isort
- black
- is always correct, thanks to check-manifest
- Sphinx documentation skeleton:
- Daniele Procida's 4 sections doc
- A glossary
- Reads the main page from README.rst, the contribution page from CONTRIBUTING.rst
- (soon) Automated changelog using GitHub Releases
- Default role is any, meaning most inter-links can be achieved with simple backtick-enclosed references.
- optional spell checker, with a dedicated extra-dictionary when you need to invent words
- doc8
- warnings treated as errors in the build. This saves lives.
- Skeleton code:
- Dunder metadata in the package, read using importlib-metadata (for py3.6 compatibility)
- cli module using click (added in entrypoints), includes verbosity and version, and expection handling
- Base exceptions, docstring used as default message
- Pytest:
- Coverage: pytest-cov and CodeCov
- Mocking: pytest-mock
- A skeleton for tests with conftest, unit, integration and acceptance tests
- Initial tests for the skeleton code, to start with 100% coverage already
- Test can be launched without any arguments (
). Launch low-level tests first. Perfecto for use withpytest --sw
- Click is nice, but maybe we can find better. I'd like to evaluate cleo and put some colors on!
- Switch to poetry ?
- Setup.cfg formatter: setup-cfg-fmt
- nox instead of tox
- Testing this cookiecutter
- Travis to GitHub Actions, maybe