An SBT plugin for running jshint code analysis on .js files in your build.
The most convenient way of using this plugin is to add a source dependency in a scala file under project/project:
lazy val plugins = Project("plugins", file("."))
you will also need to import the plugin's settings in the usual way:
seq(jshintSettings : _*)
Override the jshintFiles setting in your build:
jshintFiles <+= sourceDirectory { src =>
(src / "main"/ "webapp" / "static" / "js" ** "*.js") --- (src / "main"/ "webapp" / "static" / "js" / "lib" ** "*.js")
you can now run the jshint task which will analyse the files you have configured.
The jshint plugin can be configured with the following settings:
jshintFiles - the files to analyse
jshintMercy - the number of errors allowed before the jshint task will fail (defaults to 0, showing no mercy)
jshintOptions - a js file that defines a JSLINT_OPTIONS object that configures which jshint validations to run. If not set the options defined in src/main/resouces/defaultOptions.js are used.
jshintOptions <+= baseDirectory { base =>
base / "jshintOptions.js"
To automatically run the jshint plugin as part of your project's test phase you can add the following to you build.sbt:
(test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn (jshint)
To release a new version, tag it and push the tag to github.
git tag -a 1.XXX
git push --tags