A pass extension to check against the Have I been pwned API to see if your passwords are publicly leaked or not.
- curl
- find
- grep
- sed
- coreutils
- head
- sha1sum
- sort
- tr
pass checkup [pass-name] Check if a password is publicly leaked through HaveIbeenPwned's api. If no [pass-name] is supplied, we'll check all passwords. Lines of passwords that are leaked are outputed to STDERR while probably non-leaked passwords are outputted to STDOUT. So to get only leaked ones you can run: pass checkup [pass-name] > /dev/null Return codes for the extension is: - 0 if all passwords are fine or it's a helper / version subcommand - 1 if a specified pass-name doesn't exist - 2 if any of the pass-names checked is considered leaked pass checkup [help|--help|-h] Print this help page. pass checkup --version Print version of this extension.