Active is a sync replacement that uses native file-system OS async listeners to compile and reload Erlang files, DTL templates and other files. It acts as FS subscriber under supervision and uses mad under the hood.
app(App,["ebin",Module|_]) -> load_ebin(App,Module);
app(App,["priv"|_]) -> compile(App);
app(App,["src"|_]) -> compile(App);
app(_,_)-> ok.
otp(["deps",App|Rest]) -> app(App,Rest);
otp(["apps",App|Rest]) -> app(App,Rest);
otp([Some|Path]) -> app(top(),[Some|Path]);
otp(_) -> ok.
On Mac/Linux/Windows just include into your rebar.config:
{active, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag,"1.9"}}}
NOTE: on Linux please install inotify-tools.
- Maxim Sokhatsky
- Vladimir Kirillov