Practice website made in React. It interacts with the Yelp API to give search results of Food & Drink businesses through search, which can be filtered by Best Match, Highest Rated or Most Reviewed.
Follow these instructions to install on local environment and test it out.
- Go to Yelp Developers
- Log In or Create an account if necessary.
- From the links on page, click on “Yelp Fusion”.
- Click on Manage API access on the top-right.
- You’ll land on the “Create Page” section, if not, click on it on the left menu.
- Fill out the required fields, agree to Terms and Conditions and create the app.
- Copy the API Key presented to you (remember to keep it safe and never share it with anyone).
- Clone this repository:
- Run
git clone
on your terminal, or - Click on “Code” button above.
- Run
- Open in VSCode or any other IDE
- Open .env file in Root folder
- Paste your Yelp API Key on the variable placeholder and save.
- Launch server (npm start)
- If server is already running, restart to apply the API Key
- If presented with a CORS Issue on console, open link from error and click on button presented to get access.