Specify a specific order of props or use named groups with loose ordering within each group.
This rule checks all JSX components and verifies that all props are sorted correctly.
"jsx-grouped-sort-props/jsx-grouped-sort-props": [<enabled>, [
{ group: "reserved" },
{ group: "html" },
{ group: "aria" },
{ group: "data" },
{ group: "other" },
{ group: "callback" }
All reserved props, as listed in the React docs.
<Button key="1" ref="button" />
All props that map to supported html attributes, as listed in the React docs.
<Button className="goodbye" />
All aria-* attributes. If not specified, aria-* attributes will be considered part of the html
<Button aria-label="Submit" />
All custom data-* attributes. If not specified, data-* attributes will be considered part of the html
<Button data-id="submit" />
All props that match the pattern onCallback
<Button onClick={onClick} />
All props that do not match a different group.
<Button isLoading={true} />
This rule is a formatting preference and not following it won't negatively affect the quality of your code. If prop sort order isn't a part of your coding standards, then you can leave this rule off.