This repository contains an implementation of the Coordinate Linear Variance Reduction (CLVR) algorithm for Generalized Linear Programming (GLP) problems, and the support framework for conducting various numerical experiments. Please refer to our paper for details.
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(["Arpack", "CSV", "Dates", "LinearAlgebra", "Logging", "SparseArrays"])
The bulk of the code for running the experiments is located within src
, and all implemented algorithms including CLVR are located under src/algorithms
. We use Julia scripts to conduct our experiments and they are located within scripts
All problem instances must be wrapped into a problem instance before passing into algorithms. For example, in the case of standard form linear programs considerd in the paper where we want to
Translating this problem instance into code, we have
A_T = sparse([1 2; 3 4]) # Transpose of A is used due to Julia's Sparse CSC Matrix
b = Array{Float64}([1; 2])
c = Array{Float64}([-1; 1])
problem = StandardLinearProgram(A_T, b, c)
Next, we need to specify some exit criteria.
maxiter = 1e5
maxtime = 60
targetaccuracy = 1e-7
loggingfreq = 1
exitcriterion = ExitCriterion(maxiter, maxtime, targetaccuracy, loggingfreq)
Then to run the clvr algorithm with restart, we can simply set the algorithm parameters and run
# Common algo parameters
blocksize = 1
R = sqrt(blocksize)
γ = 0.1
restartfreq = Inf # For restart when metric halves, set restartfreq=Inf
run_results = clvr_lazy_restart_x_y(
R=R * clvr_R_multiplier,