Crowdsource 種子培育計畫為期六個月(二月到七月),Google Crowdsource會提供各項訓練給入選的申請者,主題包含機器學習、Google 產品設計、科技職涯規劃、深度了解Crowdsource app以及其他相關訓練課程。種子們除了有機會和Google內部專業人士交流之外,也可以藉此建立個人品牌、訓練溝通能力及領導能力,並透過了解機器學習/人工智慧來強化他們的專業知識。
About Seeds Program
Crowdsource Seeds is a 6-month long program (Feb - July) where selected applicants will receive training provided by Crowdsource by Google on topics including Machine Learning, Google product design, technology career planning and other training courses, as well as gain in-depth understanding of Crowdsource app. They will have the opportunity to communicate with Google’s internal professionals too. it's also a great opportunity for them to build their personal brand, hone their communication and leadership skills, and sharpen their technical knowledge by understanding the basics of ML/AI.