This project contain scripts that interact to the database project of ERDL.
Currently, lonoa supports the following sensors:
- Egauge
- Webctrl
- manually create lonoa user on the server (only needed for the first lonoa installation on the server)
- switch to the lonoa user
su lonoa
- go to lonoa home directory and have your sensor and webctrl user ready
- cd into lonoa home directory and clone lonoa repo. The folder name will be the project name.
git clone <project folder name>
- cd into repo
cd <project folder name>
- install python3 packages from requirements.txt (only needed for the first lonoa installation on the server)
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- manually create lonoa user on the database (only needed for the first lonoa installation on the server)
- run
python3 <database name>
- insert the webctrl username and password into api_authentication table
psql <database name> -c "INSERT INTO api_authentication(username,password) VALUES ('<apiusername>','<apipassword>')"
- import sensors into sensor_info table (An explanation of how to fill this table is provided in the next section below)
psql <database name> -c "\copy sensor_info from <csv filename> header csv"
- run
Examples adding new active sensors
adding an egauge purpose
psql <database name> -c "insert into sensor_info(purpose_id, query_string, script_folder, unit, data_sensor_info_mapping, is_active, last_updated_datetime)values(<purpose_id>, '<query_string>', 'egauge', '<unit>', '<data_sensor_info_mapping>', True, ('<YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm>'));"
adding a webctrl purpose
psql <database name> -c "insert into sensor_info(purpose_id, query_string, script_folder, unit, is_active, last_updated_datetime) values(<purpose_id>, '<query_string>', 'webctrl', '<unit>', True, ('<YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm>'));"
adding a hobo purpose
psql <database name> -c "insert into sensor_info(purpose_id, query_string, script_folder, unit, data_sensor_info_mapping, is_active, last_updated_datetime) values(<purpose_id>, '<query_string>', 'hobo', '<unit>', '<data_sensor_info_mapping>', True, ('<YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm>'));"
exporting a table to csv -
psql <database name> -c "\copy <table_name> to <csv filename> header csv"
Examples updating sensor_info
- set script_folder column of sensors if not already set
psql <database name> -c "update sensor_info set script_folder='egauge' where query_string like 'egauge%'"
psql <database name> -c "update sensor_info set script_folder='webctrl' where query_string like 'ABSPATH%'"
- set data_sensor_info_mapping (corresponding to column names in reading data csv of egauge)
psql <database name> -c "update sensor_info set data_sensor_info_mapping='<column name>' where query_string like 'egauge%'"
- example setting last_updated_datetime for webctrl and egauge; remember to set to (datetime of first reading - 1 minute)
psql <database name> -c "update sensor_info set last_updated_datetime=('2019-07-31 23:59') where script_folder='egauge' or script_folder='webctrl'"
- when lonoa runs it pulls readings starting from (last_updated_datetime + 1 minute)
- set webctrl and egauge active sensors to is_active=True
psql <database name> -c "update sensor_info set is_active=True where script_folder='webctrl' or script_folder='egauge'"