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eCharm: Electric Vehicle Charging Map

Table of contents

General info

eCharm stands for Electric Vehicle Charging Map and can best be described as an electronic vehicle charging stations data integrator. It downloads data from different publicly available sources, converts it into a common format, searches for duplicates in the different sources and merges the data (e.g. the attributes). All steps are decoupled, so it's easy to integrate your own data source.

Data Sources

The primary data sources for electronic vehicle charging stations that are generally available across Europe are Open Street Map (OSM) and Open Charge Map (OCM).

For each country, we then integrate the official government data source (where available). Just to name a few examples, the government data source we use for Germany is Bundesnetzagentur (BNA), or the National Chargepoint Registry (NCR) for the UK.


We use (among others) the following technologies. Some basic familiarity is needed to set up and run the scripts.

  • Python 3.9
  • Docker

If you want to contribute or change details of the code for yourself, some familiarity is needed with

  • Data and computing packages like pandas
  • Alembic
  • Sqlalchemy
  • Postgres/PostGis


Configure a python virtual environment (skip if your IDE does that for you)

Install Pyenv if not already existing


curl | bash


brew install pyenv

Install and activate Python 3.9.x , e.g.

pyenv install 3.9.18
pyenv local 3.9.18

Check local version

python --version

Create environment and activate:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  

Install the requirements file:

pip install -r requirements.txt  
Trouble Shooting

If pip install is failing during psycopg2 install:

  1. Make sure you have the following packages installed on your system
    • Ubuntu users: build-essential, libgdal-dev,libpq5
    • Mac users: A postgres version needs to be installed, e.g. via brew install postgresql
  2. If there are still errors, search for openssl lib path (which openssl may help) and identify which one is needed for linking the compiler for psycopg2 correctly. Then export it as the corresponding LDFLAGS environment variable before pip install, for instance, export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@3/3.1.3/lib"

Set environment variables

The following configuration parameters need to be set when using eCharm:

  • DB_NAME: Specifies the name of the database to connect to.
  • DB_HOST: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the database server.
  • DB_PORT: Specifies the port number on which the database server is listening.
  • DB_USER: Specifies the username to use when authenticating with the database server.
  • DB_PASSWORD: Specifies the password to use when authenticating with the database server.
  • DB_SCHEMA: Optionally possible to define schema where tables should be created. If not set it defaults to public.
  • DB_TABLE_PREFIX: Optionally possible to define prefix for table names (e.g. echarm_ would result in a table echarm_stations)
  • DB_ALEMBIC_RESTRICT_TABLES: Optionally possible to set to true (default false), i.e. it only considers eCharm tables when checking for DB schema changes
  • NOBIL_APIKEY: Specifies the API key required for accessing the NOBIL API. The NOBIL API is used to retrieve data from Sweden and Norway

Put the following content to .env file in the root directory:

# optional for DB:
# for Nobil access:
# for / access:
# ECONTROL_AT_APIKEY=<MY ECONTROL API KEY> # access via API key not working currently, see charging_stations_pipelines/pipelines/at/

Start docker containers

docker compose up # or: docker-compose up

Initialize DB


alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create initial echarm tables"

Manually adapt generated db migration file in alembic/versions folder and add

from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry, Geography

and remove prefix geoalchemy2.types. anywhere else in file

Then run migration

alembic upgrade head

Running eCharm

eCharm can be run similar to a command line tool. Run python -h to see the full list of command line options.

Here are a few example commands for running tasks:

Import and merge stations for all available countries:

python import merge --delete_data

Note that you have to configure API-keys for certain data sources, as explained in the set environment variables section.

We also recommend to use the --delete_data flag to remove old data from the database before running import or merge tasks, since eCharm is not (yet) clever with updating data from consecutive imports or merges.

Import and merge stations for Germany and Italy only:

python import merge --countries de it --delete_data

Currently, we support at, de,gb,fr, it, nor and swe as country codes.

Export all original (un-merged) station data for Germany in csv format:

python export --countries de

Export merged stations in a 10km radius around the Munich city center in GeoJSON format:

python export --export_format GeoJSON --export_merged_stations --export_file_descriptor Munich --export_area 11.574774 48.1375526 10000.0



Before you run the tests you need to install test dependencies by

pip install -r test/requirements.txt

You can run all tests under /test by running the following command:


Testdata import / Integration test for the merger

For running the script you need to be added as user to the API in Google Cloud and the Spreadsheet needs to be shared with the same user.

Changes to the data model

If you change the data model, please use alembic to create new revision by

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your revision comment"

Coding Style & Formatting

Please take advantage of the following tooling:

pip install isort autoflake black

Black reformats the code, isort orders the imports and flake8 checks for remaining issues. Example usage:

isort -rc -sl .
autoflake --remove-all-unused-imports -i -r --exclude alembic .
isort -rc -m 3 .


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  • Python 99.7%
  • Mako 0.3%