A stylish, modern watchface for the Pebble and Pebble Time watches.
Inspired by the visual language of the Timeline found on the Pebble Time, TimeStyle shows you what's happening now: the time, the date, and the current weather conditions!
- Unlike most Pebble faces, the time text is displayed using antialiasing, achieved using automatic palette swapping.
- Configurable: includes over 20 preset color schemes, and also supports custom colors using any color the Pebble Time can display.
- Supports saving, loading, and sharing custom presets
- Optional battery life indicator, with optional percentage
- Sidebar can be displayed on the right or left side
- Selectable temperature units
- Bluetooth disconnection icon on disconnect, with optional vibration
- Displays dates in 21 different languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Portuguese, Greek, Swedish, Polish, Romanian, Vietnamese, Catalan, Norwegian, Russian, Estonian, Basque, Finnish and Lithuanian.
- Weather can be disabled entirely
- Optional alternate font, LECO
Download on the Pebble store at the link below: https://apps.getpebble.com/applications/55a5c024f4510f794c000071
Want to contribute to TimeStyle? Have a look at the various feature requests that are still outstanding -- just comment on one if you're interested in working on it!