- Very simple alert controller fo swift 3.0 or above
- Compitable with UIWindowScene
- Compitable for Swift 5.0, iOS 11.3.X or above
To show only Alert
ERAlertController.showAlert("Alert!", message: "ERAlertController with title and message", isCancel: false, okButtonTitle: "OK", cancelButtonTitle: "", completion: nil)
To use button press action and custom title of the Alert controller button
ERAlertController.showAlert("Alert!", message: "ERAlertController with button action", isCancel: true, okButtonTitle: "OK", cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel") { (isOK) in if(isOK) { print("OK button pressed") } else { print("Cancel button pressed") } }
To show alert with input text field
ERAlertController.showAlertWithTextInput(title: "Input Field", subtitle: "Please input your desire text", actionTitle: "Confirm", cancelTitle: "Discard", inputPlaceholder: "Please type...", inputKeyboardType: UIKeyboardType.default) { (alertAction) in } actionHandler: { (inputText) in }