Use to initialize and configure our CoreOS cluster. The control cluster as well as other "sub" clusters.
The cluster runs on AWS EC2 using Cloud Formation. cloud-init includes:
- docker (configure containers for local SkyDNS server)
- etcd
- fleet
For the control cluster, fleet is then used to deploy:
- logspout: log collection from all containers, forwards to syslog-gollector
- syslog-gollector: syslog server on each host, forwards to kafka
- registrator: automated DNS registrations based on container metadata
- skydns: local DNS server backed by etcd
- influxdb: time-series database, mainly used for metrics
- sysinfo_influxdb: collects metrics via CloudFoundry's sigar, sends to influxdb
- cadvisor: collects metrics about all running containers, sends to influxdb
- zookeeper: distributed consistent key/value datastore, used by several others
- kafka: high-volume distributed publish/subscribe message queue, uses zookeeper
- elasticsearch: distributed, lucene-based search, used for log aggregation
- logstash: log processing worker. reads from kafka & indexes into elasticsearch
This will create IAM role, user, s3 bucket, elb listening on 80/443, a route53 zone, various route53 records as aliases to the elb, route53 record registering the s3 bucket as the zone apex alias.
cd visible
make clean clean-outputs
make launch/visible_stacks
sleep 300
make outputs
make launch/gtin_stack
cd ..
make deploy
$(terraform output fleet_env)
sleep 120
After starting up the control cluster via Terraform, and setting your FLEETCTL_TUNNEL variable, run tests:
To install rspec:
bundle install
To run tests:
rspec -f d
You can test some changes to your cloud without needing to destroy and re-create. SCP your file to a host and:
sudo /usr/bin/coreos-cloudinit --from-file /tmp/user-data.yml
Most of our docker images are here: